25 de febrero de 2015

Whiplash Review

The other day I went to the movies with some friends to watch a new movie in original version with subtitles in Spanish. The film was called Whiplash.

Andrew Neyman is a promising young drummer who enrols in the fierce music conservatory where his dreams of grandeur are advised by Terence Fletcher, a perfectionist music director who will stop at nothing to realize the potential talent of a student.

The film was a masterpiece. We suffered a lot until the end, but the overall message transmitted a positive message and the final conclusion was incredible.

The actors did a fantastic interpretation. The most difficult role, the director of the Studio Band, was played by J.K. Simons. His performance deservedly took the Oscar for best supporting actor, and his famous phrases and gestures in the film will remain in our memories.


1 comentario:

  1. Hi, Pecu!
    I love that film. Acutally, I saw it in VOSE too. What a coincidence!!
    I hope we could meet to see more of these amazing films in original version =)
