11 de diciembre de 2014

Living in Japan. (Advantages and Disadvantages)

Living in Japan has been my dream since I was a child. The advantages of living there are healthier, mostly additive-free, food that will make you look incredible, stellar transport, pretty much guaranteed safety, fantastic history, and just a more beautiful place to exist in general.
The disadvantages are not seeing relatives, rare occasional racism against you for being overseas (little old ladies clearly not wanting to sit next to you on the train type of thing). However, my biggest problem would be the food. There's no Spanish food at all, the milk tastes kind amusing because it's so rich and takes about 6 months to get used to it, bread costs a million Euros, no fried chicken, and the "cheetos" are all erroneous.
So, mostly the disadvantages deal with food homesickness, haha. In the end you will be able to get over it. Friends and family could send you things like canned bean dip (which you will devour immediately). Therefore, the pros hugely compensate the cons!

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