21 de febrero de 2015

A summer in Japan

Summer Japanese Festivals

In Japan, summer is the season of fireworks. During this time, almost every night, along the entire Japanese island and its different regions the night sky is illuminated and colored thanks to fireworks.

Summer concludes with large scale festivals, many with folk dancing meetings, as well as “Bon-odori”. The streets are filled with color decorations typical Japanese. You can find stands selling food and traditional games.

Also in summer, Japanese people usually wear the conventional “yukata”, which I mentioned before, in other post. 


Each region celebrates the summer in its own way and has different traditions. If you want to know more in depth about the various summer festivals in Japan visit: http://jnto.org.au/seasonal-attractions/summer/

And to see how Japan looks like at this time check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65siadrEyNQ

1 comentario:

  1. Great entry!! Now I realise why you want to go to live there. It has to be amazin!
